Oren Ambarchi / Lasse Marhaug:
Worried Friends b/w Nervous Enemies
Pica002. 7" single. Released autumn 2007. 300 copies (first edition), 200 copies (second edition).
Piano music by Ambarchi and Marhaug. Recorded Oslo november 2006.
october 2007 release; a pair of “piano music” pieces, acting as the debut collaborative single from two of contemporary experimental music’s most prolific/consistently rewarding practitioners; oren ambarchi and lasse marhaug...
those of you expecting something on par with maurizio pollini’s reading of satie’s gnossiennes might be a little shocked to find instead a fierce 12+ minute inside-piano scrape-fest, hedged with bursts of live-electronic feedback & a “hot” fidelity familiar from any number of david tudor recordings... yet at the same time not too far removed from the new blockaders’ whole gesamtnichswerk; this is anti-music at its finest...
not something for strict followers of oren’s friendly/subdued sine-guitar throb, nor lasse’s harsh wall of electronic sound; but definitely one for those whose preferences fall in the noisier end of the electro-acoustic composition/improv spectrum... (mimaroglu music sales catalogue)